Wednesday, July 18, 2007


As part of my degree at Tipperary Institute studying Multimedia and Communications we looked at social networking sites. This was a necessary part of our course. There are various social networking sites which provide various functions. Bebo is extremely popular with most students in the college. Recently I started using Flickr and Facebook. Facebook is my social networking site of choice. It has a great choice of applications which you can add to your profile.

Flickr is my favourite photo site but I also use webshots I have an album in webshots showing a slideshow of my favourite animal photos on first page of my website.

Internet and Holidays

Some people would prefer a complete break from laptops and internet while on holidays. I prefer to have access on holidays. Recently on a holiday in Malta, I was lucky enough to have wi-fi in hotel and they also had two computers in lobby to use. They charged more for wi-fi access than to use their computers. It was interesting to see various people keeping up to date with their bebo pages. Personally I like to post photos to my flickr site and look at various information relating to the holiday and keeping up with news online.

This year my college results were out while I was on holidays, as Malta is 1 hour ahead of Ireland I had an extruciating wait till 09:00hrs Irish time to get results. So I was there in the lobby waiting and then at 09:01 got the results. I was delighted with my results as I got a distinction. I was going round the pool with a big fat grin on my face that morning.