Michel Foucout deals with authorship who really owns project. This has raised a few eyebrows within the multimedia class that I attend. As part of our 3rd year we have to create a project students will be creating games and other sellable applications.
They need to know their rights as a student as to how much the college owns and how much they own, after all the students have spent the time creating it both in and out of the classroom. Most of the time spent on these projects is work done at home not in class. I guess I was been naive thinking if i created it, then i owned it after all i wrote the code and spend my weekends working on it.
I teach computers and if one of my students gets a job because i have imparted knowledge onto them does that mean i should get a cut of their wages or if i design a website with someone give them ideas who owns it then, does the customer own it because they paid me to show them how to design a site or do I own it because I had the ideas and helped them design it. I know in the real world I would certainly not own it i am being paid to teach them and give them ideas but don't we pay our lecturers too we all have to pay an enrolment fee every year.